The “Without Taboos” series focuses on various themes which currently occupy intellectual life in Hungary, such as questions of Hungarian Jewish identity politics and the politics of remembrance. Certain topics can cause tension between different groups of society due to their sensitive nature, and the aim of the lectures and discussions is to start a dialogue on questions and concerns stemming from these issue areas. The discussions will take place between September 2016 and February 2017.
The fifth lecture will be delivered by Ildikó Barna (Sociologist, Chair, Department of Social Research Methodology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University), entitled: How Can Antisemitism be Measured?
Time: 7 December 2016, 6 PM
Venue: Bálint Ház, Hall (1065 Budapest, Révay u. 16.)
The language of the event will be Hungarian.
Please register here.
Further event in the series (December 2016):
Slomó Köves (Chief Rabbi, United Hungarian Jewish Congregation): Jewish Advocacy: Political Responses to Antisemitism
Time: 12 December 2016, 6 PM
Venue: Tom Lantos Institute, Conference Room
Supported by: The L.A. Pincus Fund for Jewish Education in the Diaspora